Client : Canadian Nexen Petroleum East Al-Hajr Ltd.

Location : Block 51, Yemen

Awarded Date : May, 2004

Completion Date : December, 2004

Project Scope : Construction, Pipelines, Wellhead, Tie-Ins.

Work Disciplines : Piping, Welding, Civil Construction.

Canadian Nexen Yemen Limited awarded HAWK INTERNATIONAL to construct 16" Sales Oil Line in their new Al Hajr Block 51.

The services under this contract included all work, labour, material, transportation, equipment, supervision and consumables necessary to provide a complete, fully functional and commissioned pipelines ready for operation by CNYL. The work included all ROW preparation, loading, hauling, stringing, ditching, welding, lowering in, civil construction, supports, anchor blocks, sleepers, coating repairs, cathodic protection, testing and commissioning.

Transportation of the pipeline pipe from CNYL's lay down location in Block 51 for the bare pipe and near the Block 14 MOL Valve station No.1 for the coated pipe was part of the Services. As well, the Contractor also constructed, installed, tested and commissioned the pig senders and receivers for the pipelines based on the plans and drawings.

Most of these pipes were coated buried pipeline using conventional excavation equipment, dynamite blasting and employment of drill and blast techniques.

There was also some minor procurement involvement specially blasting materials that needs to be transported and escorted plus full planning services, quality control and engineering work including site survey, routing and as-built documentation.